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paket biaya umroh 2014

Biaya Paket Umroh 2014

Mulailah dari sekarang untuk merencanakan perjalanan umroh Anda di tahun 2014. Dapatkan promo paket umroh spesial setiap bulan nya dan kepastian keberangkatan dengan mulai mendaftar sejak sekarang. Travel umroh AN-NAMIROH Indonesia telah menyediakan beberapa pilihan paket umrah 2014 untuk Anda.

Anda Juga Mengikuti Program Fasilitas dan Bimbingan dan Pelayanan di tanah Suci:
  • Selalu di bimbing dalam setiap pelaksanaan ibadah wajib maupun ibadah sunnah oleh GUIDE yang berpenngalaman
  • Pemandu tempat-tempat ziarah dan bersejarah oleh GUIDE yang berpengalaman
  • Disiapkan tenaga pengantar bila ada yang ingin diantar berbelanja oleh petugas GUIDE yang fasih berbahasa arab daerah
  • Siap siaga 24 jam untuk segala pelayanan permasalahan jama'ah di saat mengikuti paket umroh kami
  • Kegiatan di Makkah, madinah dan tempat-tempat ziarah terjadwal dan terencana
Fasilitas Bimbingan dan Pelayanan di Tanah Air:
  • Membantu dan menyiapkan proses pendaftaran Ibadah Umroh dari awal sampai selesai
  • Slalu Menyampaikan setiap informasi-informasi penting menyangkut perjalanan umroh
  • memberikan materi dan bimbingan tentang manasik haji, teori dan praktek, bimbingan tata cara wudlu dan sholat-sholat, doa-doa umroh, penagulangan kesehatan dan kewanitaan,pengenalan tempat-tempat ziarah, dan teknis perjalanan Haji Dengan Modern (AUDIO VISUAL DAN DIGITAL)
  • memberikan pelayanan 24 jam bagi calon jama'ah Umroh yang membutuhkan
  • kegiatan di tanah suci sudah terprogram(terjadwal) dan dibukukan sejak di tanah air
  • memberikan seragam dan identitas sebagaimana :

    Bagi PriaBagi Wanita
    • Seragam Batik AN-NAMIROH
    • Kopyah AN-NAMIROH
    • Kain Ihrom AN-NAMIROH
    • Tas Tenteng AN-NAMIROH
    • 1 paket buku AN-NAMIROH
    • Koper AN-NAMIROH
    • DLL
    • Seragam Batik AN-NAMIROH
    • Jilbab AN-NAMIROH
    • Mukena AN-NAMIROH
    • Tas Tenteng AN-NAMIROH
    • 1 paket buku manasik
    • Koper AN-NAMIROH
    • DLL
Fasilitas-fasilitas lain yang anda peroleh dari uang pembayaran:
  • Tiket pesawat Economy Class PP (Start Surabaya) - Jeddah
  • Visa UMROH
  • Akomodasi Hotel sesuai paket yang dipilih
  • Makan 3X(3 Kali) Prasmanan Menu Indonesia / FullBoard
  • Transportasi Bis AC
  • Ziarah Tour Makkah, Madinah & City Tour Jeddah
  • Didampingi Tour Leader dan Guide profesional (international)
  • Bimibingan Manasik
  • Air Zam - Zam
  • Perlengkapan Umum :

    Bagi PriaBagi Wanita
    • Seragam Batik
    • Koper AN-NAMIROH
    • Kain Ihrom AN-NAMIROH
    • Tas Tenteng AN-NAMIROH
    • 1 Paket Buku Panduan
    • Seragam Batik
    • Koper AN-NAMIROH
    • Jilbab & Mukena AN-NAMIROH
    • Tas Tenteng AN-NAMIROH
    • 1 Paket Buku Panduan
Selain paket umroh reguler, travel umroh AN-NAMIROH Indonesia juga menyelenggarakan Paket Umroh Plus, Seperti Paket Umroh Plus Eropa 2014, Paket Umrah Plus Turki 2014 dan Paket Umroh Plus China Muslim 2014 juga Paket Umroh plus Mesir. Tentunya selain menunaikan ibadah umroh para jamaah akan diajak untuk berwisata menyusuri jejak sejarah dan kebesaran Islam di negara lain. Sehingga semakin menambah rasa syukur kita kepada Allah atas segala keagungan milik-Nya.

Mulailah untuk menyusun rencana perjalanan umroh Anda sejak sekarang. Bersama Travel Umroh AN-NAMIROH Indonesia, Insyaallah perjalanan ibadah Anda akan lebih aman dan nyaman. AN-NAMIROH Indonesia juga membuka kesempatan bagi Anda untuk bermitra usaha (peluang bisnis) sebagai agen perwakilan travel umroh dan haji di seluruh Indonesia. Pelajari lebih lanjut di website ini atau hubungi administrator kami untuk mendapatkan keterangan lengkap mengenai peluang usaha agen travel umroh dan haji maupun informasi biaya umroh, jadwal keberangkatan umrah 2014.
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biro perjalanan umroh

Biro perjalanan umroh 2014 : travel kami menyelengarahkan umroh dengan beberapa Paket yang cukup relatif murah.

travel umroh

AN-NAMIROH TOUR AND TRAVEL ( Biro penyelenggara Umroh Dan Haji )  Atau KBIH AN-NAMIROH  merupakan salah satu Kelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji di kecamatan Mojosari kabupaten Mojokerto Dengan Akta pendirian No.4 Tgl.3 April 2001 yang telah ditunjuk oleh Departemen Agama RI.

KBIH AN-NAMIROH adalah badan usaha yang bergerak di bidang biro pemberangkatan Haji Reguler dan Haji Khusus / Plus, Umroh Reguler dan umroh PLUS. Umroh plus mempunyai fasilitas tambahan yaitu; ziarah ke beberapa Negara, diantaranya seperti Brunei Darus Salam, Hongkong, Singapore, Turkey, Mesir, Lebanon dll.

Kami memiliki pelayanan yg meliputi; Manasik (bimbingan) ibadah haji dan umroh secara modern (AUDIO VISUAL DAN DIGITAL), Pengurusan Pasport, Visa, Persiapan & Perlengkapan Haji, Guide(pembimbing)  bersekala international dari molai pemberangkatan hingga pemulangan Haji ke tanah air.

KBIH AN-NAMIROH telah berjalan selama 12 tahun, dan dalam perjalananya, alhamdulillah jama’ah yang sudah bergabung di KBIH AN-NAMIROH ini merasakan kepuasan dalam bimbingan dan pelayanan.

Meskipun KBIH AN-NAMIROH berdomisili di daerah Mojokerto, namun dalam prakteknya banyak jama’ah dari luar Mojokerto yg ikut bergabung dalam pemberangkatan Haji dan Umroh bersama KAMI, Dan memiliki cabang-cabang di beberapa daerah seperti jakarta, surabaya, sidoarjo, dan beberapa daerah di jawa tenggah.

Informasi lebih lanjut tentang kami, dapat menghubungi langsung melalui telpon kantor (0321) 595145 atau handphone 081330629341 atau email: Lebih lengkapnya klik disini. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan dari para pengunjung website kami.
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paket umroh murah 2014

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Dengan segala kerendahan hati kami ucapkan rasa terima kasih, Keselamatan, Kesehatan, Kebahagiaan, Rahmat dan Barokah semoga senantiasa tercurah kepada kita semua. Alhamdulillah berbekal syukur atas nikmat Allah yang tak terhitung bagi kita yang beriman, AN-NAMIROH TRAVEL UMROH Melayani dengan sepenuh hati berhias kekeluargaan dalam beribadah untuk kenyamanan dan kekhusu’kan dengan tujuan tuk menggapai ridho illahi untuk meraih predikat Haji mabrur dan Umroh Maqbullah, Hal ini menjadi Tujuan utama kami sebagai Biro Penyelenggara Umroh dan Haji dalam pelaksanaan untuk senantiasa mendapatkan keberkahan. Kita semua berharap Semoga Allah SWT senantiasa selalu memberikan bimbingan, petunjuk, dan pertolongannya.

paket umroh murah 2014

AN-NAMIROH TAOUR AND TRAVEL (KBIH AN-NAMIROH) Membuka paket atau perjalanan ibadah umroh di tahun 2014 ini, dimana pemberangkatan selalu ada setiap bulanya di awali dari bulan januari dan seterusnya.
Fasilistas yang kami sediakan seperti berikut:
1.paket umroh selama 14 hari
2.penerbangan dengan maskapai saudi air saudi airlines dari bandara surabaya atau jakarta-indonesia menuju jeddah-arab saudi atau mutowif skala international (ustadz-ustadz muda dan bersinergi) yang siap membimbing/mendampingi anda setiap saat dan dalam berbagai hal selama di saudi dan menjalankan ibadah umroh dengan profesional dan terpercaya.
4.makan sehari tiga kali dengan menu-menu perasmanan yang lezat dan nikmat ala indonesia.
5.untuk HOTEL yang di tempati :
MADINAH=AL-MAJDI tepat di depan pelataran masjid nabawi pintu ke 13 setara bintang 5.
MAKKAH=antara hotel HANIM AL-FIRDAUS atau GRAND RIYALHO bintang 4 dan tepat di depat masjidil haram.
6.selama anda di kota makkah dan madinah ada paket ziarah dan wisata seperti
- di jeddah: laut merah,kornes pusat perbelanjaan),masjid khisos dll
- di madinah: beberapa masjid2 bersejarah dimana nabi pernah singgah, kebun kurma, gunung manet, percetakan al qur'an dll
- di makkah: jabal nur, gua hira, pembuatan kiswah, masjid2 bersejarah, pemerasan susu onta dll
7.kain ihram dan seragam batik jama'ah umroh, juga koper dan tas-tas lain nya.
8.saat akan kembali ke indonesia jama'ah di berikan oleh-oleh air zam-zam sebanyak 25 liter.
9.insya allah masih banyak lagi fasilitas-fasilitas yang tidak bisa disebutkan semuanya akan kami suguhkan untuk anda, karna kepuasan anda adalah termasuk keprofesionalan kami, semoga ibadah umroh anda khusyu dan di terima, allahuma amin.

Contac Person : YM =
HP = 081330629341
Telp Rumah (0321 – 595145)
kode pos=61382

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cricket stadium a shambles

cricket stadium a shambles
The NIT-C cricket stadium at Chathamangalam has a rich cricket legacy to boast of as it has hosted the premier matches of Ranji Trophy, Vijay Merchant Trophy and Cooch Behar Trophy.

In 1999-2000, during Kerala’s Ranji Trophy match against Hyderabad, the ground saw classic innings of former Indian skipper Mohammed Azharuddin. When Azharuddin got out for 91 at 37.3 overs (147/3), in the one-day match, the enthralled crowd invaded the pitch. Around 19 minutes were lost subsequently until police were called to disperse the spectators.

But, those were the good old days. Right now, the ground, which once found a place on the national cricket map, resembles a small forest covered with bushes and is a haven for stray dogs and reptiles. The four turf strip on the ground and the nets are in a dilapidated condition, owing to lack of maintenance. Besides this, the players’ dressing room, the umpire’s room and other facilities set up by the Kerala Cricket Association (KCA) at a cost of `25 lakh, also remain in a pitiable condition. This stadium, one of the best in Kozhikode with all amenities and which can stage major matches, has been lying idle since July 2012.

It was in 1992 that NITC laid the first turf wicket on the cricket stadium and inaugurated it with a nationallevel Ranji Trophy match, Kerala vs- Karnataka. Lack of good dressing rooms for players fails to attract matches to the ground.

In the golden jubilee year of NITC in 2010, the KCA had set up an advanced players’ dressing room and umpires room. During a visit to the stadium, Sandip Patil, former cricketer and director of National Cricket Academy, had expressed satisfaction over the facilities, especially the availability of two parallel grounds.

But things took a dramatic turn after the factional feud in the Kozhikode District Cricket Association as the NIT authorities withdrew from their decision to provide the ground to the KCA in 2010-11. The Vijay Merchant Trophy under-16 tournament in 2011 was the last national tournament hosted by the ground.

Sources say that a few deans with the physical education department of NIT are in charge of the ground and they have no interest in maintaining it. Though the KCA is ready to maintain the ground and conduct matches, the lackadaisical approach of the deans has turned the situation worse.

KCA president T C Mathew says that they had discussed the matter with Union Minister of State for HRD, Shashi Tharoor. “We have taken the issue seriously and will try to bring back national and state tournaments to the NIT ground”, he says.

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Rohit Sharma's double-ton helps India beat Australia by 57 runs in 7th ODI

Welcome to the coverage of the 6th One-Day International between India and Australia from the M Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru. SCORECARD

Australia were bowled out for 326 runs by Team India at the M Chinnaswamy stadium in Bangalore. What a match it has been, a double century by a batsman, a century for the unlucky bowler, some real crazy hittings, a remarkable rearguard action and so nearly, Australia clinched a stunning win. The bowlers will be mighty relieved that the series is over, this has been a hiding for nothing, the batsmen feasted and the bowlers were slaughtered. Australia came out with the intention to attack, they went after everything that the Indians hurled at them, got a bit lucky at times but mostly found the middle of the blade. Maxwell was imperious, Watson, batting at No. 8 seemed to be batting in an all together different planet, but at 211/8, people might have been excused if they thought that India will cruise to an easy win. James Faulkner had different ideas though, he smashed the fastest ODI hundred by an Australian batsman in ODI cricket. Clint McKay supported him well, as they added 115 for the 9th wicket, a record on a day of records. India just about managed to hold their nerves at the end, and perhaps on the basis of their better batting right through the series deserve the 3-2 series win. This is their first bilateral triumph over their Aussies if we do not count the 1-0 win (in 2010). Dhoni took off with a stump for a souvernier, as the Indians huddled together in celebrations. That ends the 7-match series. India winning the decider and taking the series 3-2. What a series it has been? It has been completely dominated by the batsmen. The only good spells I remember with the ball is Johnson's 4 wicket haul in Mohali and Shami's 3 quick wickets in Ranchi. In all the 5 completed matches there were more than 600 runs scored in 4 of them. That tells you how the batsmen have done. Bailey and Rohit getting above 450 runs and ending as the highest run-getters for their respective teams.

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When Sachin Tendulkar visited Lahli!

When Sachin Tendulkar visited Lahli!
Standing at the arrival lounge of the Delhi airport, Gaurav Virmani felt a very privileged man. He had been accorded the most prestigious assignment by the Haryana Cricket Association --- put on "Sachin Tendulkar duty", which required him to stay with the batting maestro 24x7. For six days.

He welcomed the Mumbai Ranji trophy team and saw them off in a luxury bus, but didn't spot Sachin Tendulkar anywhere. A special vehicle was arranged for him separately, with security in tow but minutes ticked by without any sign of Tendulkar. Panic set in, frantic calls were made to and fro for his whereabouts before Tendulkar was spotted, in a white BMW car that he prefers to travel in these days, while playing that perfect brand ambassador role.

Through the next two-and a half hour drive, Tendulkar was keen to know more about the venue of his final Ranji Trophy game; about village Lahli, which has been eagerly preparing, in its own style, for the arrival of its biggest VVIP. Like Gaurav, not everyone could dream of having access to Tendulkar all the while, and all they wanted was a mere glimpse of their cricketing God.

The pitch was getting rolled relentlessly, and the Ch Bansi Lal stadium was getting a facelift. Annirudha Chaturvedi, an interior designer who has also famously designed bats for Tendulkar and Sehwag, was called in to make urgent renovations at the venue and make it ready for such a grand fixture. A 23-tonne iron structure was erected in 11 days for the cameras to be installed, and work continued round the clock with just three, one-hour break with 100-odd workforce. Wall graphics, measuring 8 ½ feet and 45 feet wide were painted outside the Mumbai dressing room, as a tribute to Tendulkar.

"It's a matter of great pride and satisfaction that we hosted this historic game so well, and for Sachin to pay his compliments on the pitch and his stay here on live television was extremely touching moment for me. Not just me, but for the entire staff of HCA. We are all very happy bunch, having played host to one of the greatest players in the world and one of the finest human beings," says Chaudhary.

For all their efforts to make him feel comfortable and extend five-star facilities, Tendulkar had one simple wish. "Please make me feel the real essence of this village and its culture." And then began Tendulkar's love connection with the local lassi. It was a must, at breakfast and at dinner.

Meanwhile, the hotels in and around Rohtak --- the closest town to Lahli were going at premium rates, with discounts being offered only to customers who could give the hotel management a one-day pass to watch the Sachin match versus Haryana. The local sarpanchs, who had been given 500 passes for each match day to distribute amongst the villagers, were faced with a big problem of accommodating the requests. Nobody wanted to miss out to watch Sachin, in flesh and blood.

During this stay, Tendulkar was unhappy that one of the cops had clicked his picture from a mobile phone on the sly, outside the room window. Next day morning at the breakfast, he informed the HCA guys about it who immediately tracked down the constable, deleted the photograph and presented the embarrassed cop in front of him. Tendulkar walked up to him, put his hands over his shoulder and told him "photo hamesha acche se khichwao," and then posed with him for a photograph. "Yeh photo kitna acche lag raha hai," he said looking at the photo and then, requested the area SP not to scold or reprimand the cop over the incident.

Over the days, there were many who wanted to meet him, or get a photo done. There one large group who had come to gift Tendulkar with a silver plate, and special Rewadi. Then there was one man, who wanted to offer Tendulkar his famous thick jalebi. Someone wanted to gift him a collection of all his famous moments.

Ajeet Singh Tanwar was another one, coming from Shikhar district in Rajasthan. A mason by profession, he had all 327 Test innings, ODI scores and all his records on his finger tips. Wanting to pay his tribute to Tendulkar, he stood outside the guest house all night, undeterred by the cops. Until he was granted his wish, and Tendulkar was overwhelmed by his fan. He immediately signed a Mumbai T-shirt and gifted to him. The hungry media, soon signed him up for a hefty amount to stand on their channel. Then there was carpenter who was called for to shave off a centimeter off Tendulkar's bat.

Tendulkar too loved his stay, and enjoyed every moment, on and off the field. Once during the game, which saw paced crowds on every moment Tendulkar was at the ground, either fielding or batting, the crowd chanted "cricket ki bhagwaanki jai." Such was the noise they created that Zaheer missed his run-up a couple of time. Tendulkar just went near them, waved his hand to say "Thank you. Lekin Zaheer thoda ghabra raha hai app hi awaaz se," and laughed. The crowd just had their lifetime moment.

Tendulkar too had it memorable on the field. He scored an unbeaten 79 to guide Mumbai to victory after a difficult chase. The master was back in form --- a befitting end to his Ranji career, and a great beginning to end his Test career. Before leaving the stadium, Tendulkar walked up to the Haryana dressing room and gave a long chat to the team, their young bowlers for making this a nerve-wracking game, and giving him a big challenge.

He loved every moment of his stay and before leaving Rohtak, he decided to pose for three group photographs. First, with the entire staff of the Canal Guest house, including the helper, sweeper, waiter, maids as a thank you gesture for making his stay comfortable. The second one was with the 200 cops who were on his duty and finally with the HCA volunteers who did all the running around for him at the stadium.

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