Cricket Club AGM – Hedon, 13th November 2013

NOTICE is hereby given that the 131st South Holderness Cricket Club Annual General Meeting, will be held in the Clubhouse, Middle Lane, Hedon, on Wednesday, 13th November 2013, commencing at 7.30pm.

Fully paid up, eligible Members are able to attend the Meeting, and to Vote, when the twelve Executive Officers will be Elected, and the General Purposes (GP) Committee will also be Elected, during the business Meeting.

Any Nominations for the Election of the Executive posts, duly Proposed and Seconded, must be received, and in writing, by post or by email, to the Hon. Secretary, Malcolm Ripley, 17 Clifford Avenue, Hull, HU8 OLU, or by email to:- not later than fourteen days, prior to the date of the Meeting.